This command is only available with Natural for Db2.

The SQLDIAG command provides diagnostic information about the last SQL statement (other than a GET DIAGNOSTICS statement) that was executed. This diagnostic information is gathered as the previous SQL statement is executed. Some of the information available through the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement is also available in the SQLCA.

For detailed information about the returned diagnostics information, see the IBM Db2 documentation of the GET DIAGOSTICS statement.

Fields, which are prefixed with a plus sign (+), may contain more data than displayed on the screen. You can display the full contents either when you position the cursor on the field (description or data) and press Enter, or when you enter the abbreviation of the field (which are the capital letters of the description) prefixed by the plus sign (+) in the command line. For example, +SN shows a window with the full value of SERVER_NAME.

The SQLDIAG command can be issued either from the Natural NEXT prompt or from within a Natural program (by using the FETCH statement).

Sample SQLDIAG Diagnostic Information Screen

 11:03:12           *** SQLDIAG Diagnostic Information ***           2006-04-15
                           - Statement Information -                           
 DB2_Last_Row .....................           0                                
 DB2_Number_Parameter_Markers .....           0                                
 DB2_Number_Result_Sets ...........           0                                
 DB2_Return_Status ................           0                                
 DB2_SQL_Attr_Cursor_Hold .........     _Rowset ..     _Scrollable ...         
                                          _Type ..     _Sensitivity ..         
 DB2_Number_Rows ..................           0                                
 Row_Count ........................           0                                
 More .............................                                            
 Number ...........................           1                                
Command ===>                                                                     
      Help  Error Exit  Updat                                     Next  Canc
 11:09:49           *** SQLDIAG Diagnostic Information ***           2006-04-15
                          - Condition Information 1 -                          
+Server_Name ................. DAEFDB28                                        
+CUrsor_Name .................                                                 
 DB2_Error_Code1 .............        -500   DB2_Error_Code2 ...           0   
          _Code3 .............           0            _Code4 ...          -1   
 DB2_Internal_Error_Pointer ..        -500  +DB2_Sqlerrd1(-6) ..        -500   
 DB2_Module_Detecting_Error .. DSNXOTL                                         
+DB2_Ordinal_Token_1 ......... HGK.DEMO                                        
 DB2_Row_Number ..............           0                                     
 DB2_Line_Number .............           0                                     
 DB2_Returned_SQLCode ........        -204                                     
 DB2_Reason_Code .............           0                                     
 Returned_SQLState ...........       42704                                     
 DB2_Message_ID .............. DSN00204E                                       
 Message_Octet_Length ........           0                                     
+Message_Text ................ HGK.DEMO IS AN UNDEFINED NAME                   
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Error Exit  Updat                               Prev  Next  Canc
 11:14:41           *** SQLDIAG Diagnostic Information ***           2006-04-15
                           - Connection Information -                          
 DB2_Authentication_Type ..                                                    
 DB2_Authentication_ID .... GGS                                                
 DB2_Connection_State .....           0                                        
 DB2_Connection_Status ....           0                                        
 DB2_Encryption_Type ......                                                    
 DB2_Product_ID ........... DSN08010                                           
 DB2_Server_Class_Name .... QDB2 for DB2 UDB for z/OS                          
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Error Exit  Updat                               Prev        Canc