DB - Database Types and Options

This Natural profile parameter can be used to define database types and options for all and for specific database IDs. It corresponds to the NTDB macro in the Natural parameter module.

Possible settings See DB Parameter Syntax.
Default setting ADABAS,* The default database type is Adabas.
Dynamic specification yes This parameter can only be specified dynamically. In the Natural parameter module, the macro NTDB is used instead.
Specification within session no  


  1. For information on the Natural database management interface, see the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.
  2. For the supported versions of the database management systems, refer to Database Management Systems in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes.
  3. At compile time, Natural Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement functionality will be limited to the functionality that is available for the specified database type.
  4. At runtime, the specified database type defines which Natural database management interface is called for a database ID.

The following topics are covered below:

DB Parameter Syntax

The DB parameter is specified as follows:

1. Default Database Definition

The default database type and its default options is specified as follows. It applies to all database IDs not explicitly specified by the DB parameter or NTDB macro. If there are no options, the commas and the asterisk can be omitted.


2. Single Database Definition

A single database ID is specified as follows:


3. Multiple Database Definition

Multiple database IDs of the same database type with the same options can be specified together, enclosed in parentheses:



Syntax Element Value Explanation
database-type See Possible Database Types. Database type. The default value is ADABAS.

This subparameter is mandatory for the NTDB macro.

database-ID 0 - 65535 Database identification.

Database ID 255 must not be specified, because it is reserved for internal use.

You can specify a single database ID, a list of database IDs enclosed in parentheses, or an asterisk (*) to indicate the default for all databases not specified explicitly.

options   See Possible Database Options.

NTDB Macro Syntax

The NTDB macro is specified as follows:

1. Default Database Definition

The default database type and its default options is specified as follows. It applies to all database IDs not explicitly specified by the DB parameter or NTDB macro. If there are no options, the commas and the asterisk can be omitted.

         NTDB database-type,*,options

2. Single Database Definition

A single database ID is specified as follows:

         NTDB database-type,database-ID,options

3. Multiple Database Definition

Multiple database IDs of the same database type with the same options can be specified together, enclosed in parentheses:

         NTDB database-type,(database-ID1,database-ID2,...),options

Possible Database Types

The database types that can be specified with the DB parameter or the NTDB macro are listed in the following table.

A database type and version for Adabas indicates the functional level of database features that are to be used by Natural.

All database types except Adabas require the appropriate database handler module to be installed. For more information, see the appropriate documentation about the database handler required in your environment.

Database Type Adabas Features or Database Handler to be Used



Adabas Version 8.2 features

ADABAS is the default value.

ADAV86 Adabas Version 8.6 features
ADAV7 Adabas Version 7 features
ADAV8 Adabas Version 8 features
VSAM Natural for VSAM



Natural for Db2
PROCESS Entire System Server
TRS Adabas Text Retrieval

Possible Database Options

The following options can be specified with the DB parameter or the NTDB macro:

Option Explanation
ACODE The Natural application must communicate to Adabas whether code page or Unicode support is desired if the Adabas DBID used is enabled for character encoding and data conversion. Therefore, the ACODE setting specifying the application-specific code page for all A fields and/or the WCODE=4095 (UTF-16) setting for all W fields must be sent with the OP call. See also Unicode and Code Page Support.
ENTIRE The database is to be handled by Entire DB.
OPEN This option applies to Adabas databases only, for which Adabas requires an open request to be issued. If OPEN is specified for such a database, an open request is always issued (even if the ETID is blank).
READ The database is to be read-only.

The following options can be specified with the dynamic parameter DB only.

Option Explanation
NOENTIRE Resets the ENTIRE option.
NOOPEN Resets the OPEN option.
NOREAD Resets the READ option.
OFF Removes any DB or NTDB definition for the specified databases, see Examples of DB Parameter below.

Examples of DB Parameter

DB=(VSAM,(22,26,33)) This defines Databases 22, 26 and 33 as VSAM databases.
DB=(,*,READ) This sets all databases for which the default database definition applies to read-only.
DB=(,(8,9),NOREAD) This removes the read-only option for Databases 8 and 9.
DB=(,17,OFF) This resets the database definition of Database 17 to defaults.

Examples of NTDB Macro

NTDB DB2,7 This defines Database 7 as Db2 database.