Natural under IMS TM Error Messages

This section lists the error messages (NIInnnn messages) that may be issued by the Natural IMS TM Interface.

Error texts are not issued for errors of the types "abend" and "abend with dump", and not in a server environment. When a server environment is used, the error code is returned to the caller in Register 15.

For information on the Natural IMS TM Interface, see Natural under IMS TM in the section TP Monitor Interfaces of the Natural for Mainframes documentation.


Type Abend with user abend code U3500 with dump
Issuing Module CONV/NONC/NTRD driver
Reason You are not allowed to execute a driver of type CONV, NONC or NTRD in a BMP region.
Action   Check your installation.


Type Abend with user abend code U3501 with dump
Issuing Module BMP driver
Reason You are not allowed to execute a driver of type BMP in an MPP region.
Action   Check your installation.


Type Abend with user abend code U3502 with dump
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason The GU against the message queue failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3503 with dump
Issuing Module All drivers
Reason Unable to load the Natural IMS TM Interface module.
Action   Check the NIINAME parameter of the driver and/or the steplib concatenation of the region.


Type Abend with user abend code U3505 with dump
Issuing Module All drivers.
Reason The entry within the transaction code table could not be located.
Action   Check your transaction code table.


Type Abend with user abend code U3506 with dump
Issuing Module All drivers.
Reason The entry within the NII parameter module could not be located.
Action   Check the transaction code table and/or environment table.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason The GN against the message queue failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason The received input message is greater than the input message buffer.
Action   Increase the size of the input message buffer in your environment table.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIINITS
Reason The session start exit NIIXSSTA requested that the Natural session be terminated abnormally.
Action   Check the return code contained in the message.


Type Abend with user abend code U3510 with dump
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason The ISRT of the termination message failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3511 with dump
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason The ISRT of the SPA failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3512 with dump
Reason Unable to find the NTIMSPT macro in the Natural parameter module or the NIITRTAB transaction code table module.
Action   Either specify at least one NTIMSPT macro in the Natural parameter module, or include the NIITRTAB transaction code table in the link to the Natural IMS TM Interface module.


Type Abend with user abend code U3513 with dump
Issuing Module All drivers
Reason The storage for the working area, the buffers or the Natural thread could not be obtained.
Action   Check the reason code contained in Register 15 and/or increase the size of your region.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIBTCH, BMP driver
Reason Open failed.
Action   Check your BMP JCL for the DD name contained in the message.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason The session resume exit NIIXSTAR requested that the Natural session be terminated abnormally.
Action   Check the return code contained in the message.


Type Abend with user abend code U3518 with dump
Issuing Module NIISRTQ
Reason The CHNG call for the printer destination specified with the Natural profile parameter SENDER failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15. Probably an invalid printer destination was specified.


Type Abend with user abend code U3519 with dump
Issuing Module NIIISRTQ
Reason The ISRT call to the assigned printer destination failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3520 with dump
Issuing Module NIIISRTQ
Reason The PURG call for the assigned printer destination failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3521 with dump
Issuing Module BMP driver
Reason Either Natural terminated with a bad return code or an NII error occurred and you requested an abend.
Action   If the abend is caused by a Natural error, CMPRINT contains the error message. If the abend is caused by a Natural under IMS error, a WTO with the error message has been issued before.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason The SPA is greater than the size specified for the SPA buffer.
Action   Check the environment table.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIBTCH
Reason The storage for the back-end program area could not be allocated.
Action   Check the TERMINATE statement and/or increase the size of your BMP region.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIBTCH
Reason The back-end program could not be loaded.
Action   Check the name of the back-end program contained in the message and/or the steplib concatenation of your region.


Type Abend with user abend code U3525 with dump
Issuing Module NIIDRIV
Reason The save area stack is exhausted.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIMPP
Reason You specified RELO=FORCE, but there is insufficient memory for a new thread. RELO=FORCE will cause storage allocation for a second thread, if the first allocated thread is at the same storage location as the thread used before the terminal I/O.
Action   Increase the size of your region.


Type Abend with user abend code U3530
Issuing Module NIIBOOTS, CONV/NONC driver
Reason Unable to obtain our name/token pair.
Action   Check the return code contained in Register 15 and/or the steplib concatenation of your region.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIBOOTS
Reason Unable to load the driver.
Action   Check the return code contained in Register 15 and/or the steplib concatenation of your region.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIVTRTA
Reason Transaction type does not match driver type. For example, you specified transaction code conversational in the transaction code table but the driver type is non-conversational and vice versa.
Action   Check the transaction code table.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIVTRTA
Reason The SPA is too small. The SPA must be at least 157 bytes plus the offset of the Natural reserved area defined in the transaction table.
Action   Check the transaction code table and/or increase the size of the SPA.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIVTRTA
Reason IOPCB is the only PCB in the PSB. At least one additional PCB is required.
Action   Check your PSB.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIVTRTA
Reason Not enough alternate TP PCBs. The PSB does not contain the number of alternate modifiable TP PCBs specified in the transaction code table as additional work PCBs.
Action   Check your transaction code table and/or your PSB.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIVTRTA
Reason Message PCB is not a modifiable alternate TP PCB. You specified a separate message PCB in the transaction code table, but your PSB does not contain enough modifiable alternate TP PCBs.
Action   Check your transaction code table and/or your PSB.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIVTRTA
Reason The PCB number specified for the logical PCB name is greater than the maximum number of PCBs.
Action   Check your transaction code table and/or your PSB for the PCB name contained in the message.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIINITS
Reason The user exit NIIXRFNU returned a roll file number not in the range of 1 to the total available number of roll files as defined in the environment table, that is, larger than the total number of allowed roll files.
Action   Correct the user exit.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIDRIV
Reason The roll server ALLOC request failed. The message contains the return code/reason code.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIDRIV
Reason The roll server ALLOC request failed because the roll file is full.
Action   Increase the size of the roll file or increase the number of roll files.


Type Error
Reason The roll server is not active.
Action   Check the roll server status and restart the roll server.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason Error during address relocation. The message contains the NATRELD return code.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason An IPL has occurred since the start of the Natural session and TERMIPL=ON is specified in the environment table.
Action   Restart your session.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason Another Natural product version has been installed by the Natural system administrator since the start of the Natural session. All active Natural sessions are terminated.
Action   Restart your session.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason A wrong user thread has been rolled in.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason The roll files used by the roll server have been reformatted by the Natural system administrator since the start of the Natural session. All active Natural sessions are lost.
Action   Restart your session.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason The roll server READ request failed. The message contains the return code/reason code.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error

The Natural system administrator has purged the Natural session from the roll server using the SYSTP utility or the application programming interface USR3002N.

This error may also occur in the following scenario:

A Natural session has been suspended by IMS TM (due to an unavailable resource) and you have started a new Natural session at the same LTERM. If later on the suspended Natural session is re-scheduled by IMS TM, the suspended Natural session is cancelled with this error.

Action   Restart your session.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIOLDSN
Reason The IMS TM user who is currently logged on at the IMS TM LTERM is different to the user who started the IMS TM conversation at this LTERM. For security reasons, the IMS TM conversation (and the corresponding Natural session) is terminated.
Action   Restart your session.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIPFAM
Reason Unexpected status code for the CHNG call.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message and/or contact Software AG Support.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIPFAM
Reason Unexpected status code on the ISRT call.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message and/or contact Software AG Support.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIPFAM
Reason Unexpected status code on the PURG call.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message and/or contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIICDBPC
Reason Database not available and TERMDB=YES is specified in the environment table.
Action   Start the database.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIICDBPC
Reason The PROCOPT option in the PCB is set to update but the database is not available for update and TERMDB=YES is specified in the environment table.
Action   Check the database.


Type Abend with user abend code U3652
Issuing Module NIIINQYE
Reason The INQY ENVIRON call failed. Register 15 contains the return code in bytes 0 and 1 and the reason code in bytes 2 and 3.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason Error during release of programs. The message contains the NATRELSE return code.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason The ISRT call to the alternate PCB for the SPA failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason The ISRT call to the alternate PCB for the message failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Abend with user abend code U3664 with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason The ISRT call for the SPA failed.
Action   Check the status code in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3665 with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason The ISRT call for the message failed.
Action   Check the status code in Register 15.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason The compressed thread exceeds the local roll buffer slot size or roll file slot size. The message contains the compressed thread size.
Action   Increase the local roll buffer slot size if you use the roll server without a roll file, else increase the roll file slot size.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason Roll server WRITE request failed. The message contains the return code/reason code.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason You tried to switch to a non-Natural session using a Natural transaction code.
Action   Correct the application.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason You can not switch directly from a non-conversational transaction code to a conversational one.
Action   Correct the application.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason The CHNG call for the transaction switch failed. The message contains the first five bytes of the transaction code and the status code.
Action   Check the status code and/or correct the application.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason Direct switch to a non-existent transaction code.
Action   Check your transaction code or IMSGEN.


Type Abend with user abend code U3673 with dump
Issuing Module NIIWTERM
Reason Deferred switch to a non-existent transaction code.
Action   Check your transaction code or IMSGEN.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSS
Reason The subsystem entry for SPATID could not be located. The message contains the subsystem ID as specified in the environment table.

Check your subsystem in your environment table and/or verify that the Authorized Services Manager is started.

For information on the Authorized Services Manager, see Authorized Services Manager under z/OS in the Operations documentation.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSS
Reason The session information pool (SIP) is full.
Action   Restart the Authorized Services Manager with an increased number of SIP slots. For further information, see Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSS
Reason The Authorized Services Manager is not active. The Authorized Services Manager must be active if the terminal-oriented non-conversational environment is used.
Action   Start the Authorized Services Manager. For further information, see Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSS
Reason The SIP function of the Authorized Services Manager is disabled. The SIP function must be active if the terminal-oriented non-conversational environment is used.
Action   Start the Authorized Services Manager with the SIP function enabled as described in the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIISIPSS
Reason The Authorized Services Manager SIP function failed. The message contains the return and the reason code.
Action   For further information on the return/reason codes see the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation. If necessary, contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSS
Reason The size of the SPA buffer is greater than the SIP slot size.
Action   Increase the SIP slot size as described in the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Error
Reason The subsystem entry could not be located. The message contains the subsystem ID as specified with the Natural profile parameter SUBSID.
Action   Check your subsystem in the Natural parameter module and/or verify that the roll server or (only if monitoring is used) the Authorized Services Manager is started.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIENDSN
Reason The roll server FREE request failed. The message contains the return code/reason code.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIBDAMR
Reason DCB not allocated for one of the roll files. The message contains the DD name of the roll file.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIBDAMR
Reason The OPEN of the roll file failed.
Action   Check your region JCL for the DD name contained in the message.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIBDAMR
Reason Invalid function code for NIIBDAMR.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIBDAMR
Reason No free slot in roll file. The message contains the DD name of the roll file.
Action   Increase the size of your roll file.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIBDAMR
Reason The roll file has been reformatted by the Natural system administrator since the start of the Natural session. All active Natural sessions are lost.
Action   Restart the session.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIIBDAMR
Reason The roll file has been formatted with a Natural version that is incompatible to the Natural version used by the current Natural session. This error typically indicates that the roll file has been formatted with a Natural roll file initialization module of a newer Natural version.
Action   Reformat the roll file with the Natural roll file initialization module of the correct Natural version.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason The CHNG call failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason You tried to switch from a non-conversational Natural session to a conversational one.
Action   Check your application.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason The ISRT call for the message into the alternate PCB failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason The ISRT call for the SPA into the alternate PCB failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason The ISRT call for the dummy message failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in the message.


Type Abend with user abend code U3815 with dump
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason The ISRT call for the SPA into the IOPCB failed.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISEOS
Reason You tried to switch to a non-existent transaction code.
Action   Check your transaction code or IMSGEN.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSM
Reason The Authorized Services Manager is not active. The Authorized Services Manager must be active if the monitoring function is used.
Action   Start the Authorized Services Manager as indicated in the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSM
Reason The SIP function of the Authorized Services Manager is disabled. The SIP function must be active if the monitoring function is used.
Action   Start the Authorized Services Manager with the enabled SIP function as indicated in the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIISIPSM
Reason An unexpected return code was received from the SIP function of the Authorized Services Manager. The message contains the return code and the reason code.
Action   For the return codes, see the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation. If necessary, contact Software AG Support.


Type Error
Issuing Module NIISIPSM
Reason The SIP server pool is full.
Action   Increase the number of SIP slots in the Authorized Services Manager as indicated the section Authorized Services Manager in the Operations documentation.


Type Abend with user abend code U3830 with dump
Issuing Module NIIACT
Reason The CMD command failed when issuing the /LOG command to write the accounting record. The transaction code must be authorized to use the /LOG command when ACTLOG=LOG is set for accounting.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3831 with dump
Issuing Module NIIACT
Reason The /LOG command failed when writing the accounting record.
Action   Check the status code contained in Register 15.


Type Abend with user abend code U3832 with dump
Issuing Module NIIACT
Reason The Authorized Services Manager failed when writing the accounting record to SMF.
Action   Check the status/reason code contained in Register 15.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIESTAE
Reason A system abend code has been intercepted.
Action   Examine the dump.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIESTAE
Reason A recursive system abend code has been intercepted.
Action   Examine the dump.


Type Error
Reason The retrieved message exceeds the specified size of the input message buffer.
Action   Increase the size of your input message buffer.


Type Error
Reason The segment received does not fit into the input message buffer.
Action   Increase the size of the input message buffer.


Type Abend with user abend code U3962
Issuing Module CMSVC13D, NIIU3962
Reason The Natural session has been abended on request.
Action   Contact the application developer.


Type Error
Issuing Module CMSTCKSY
Reason The synchronized STCK value could not be obtained.
Action   Contact the system administrator.


Type Error with dump
Issuing Module NIIERROR
Reason An unknown error has occurred. The message contains the original error number. This error may happen if the reported error number is not contained in the error message file NIIMSGT.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.