Message Buffer Pool Messages

This section contains the messages that may be issued by the message buffer pool.

For information on this buffer pool, see Message Buffer Pool in the section Operationsof the documentation of Natural .

MTBP001 - Work buffer could not be obtained

Explanation Work buffer could not be obtained.
Action Check if there is memory saturation on your system.

MTBP002 - Bad return code from IEANTRT: xxxx

Explanation Bad return code from IEANTRT: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP003 - Bad return code from IEANTCR: xxxx

Explanation Bad return code from IEANTCR: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP004 - Allocation of an ECSA directory segment failed: xxxx

Explanation Allocation of an ECSA directory segment failed: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP005 - A recursive abend occurred. Now waiting for CANCEL cmd.

Explanation A recursive abend occurred. Now waiting for CANCEL command.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP006 - Message BP handler is active

Explanation A Message Buffer Pool handler can only be started once for the same subsystem ID.
Action None.

MTBP007 - Other than MODIFY or STOP command received

Explanation The received command is different from MODIFY or STOP.
Action Use only MODIFY or STOP TSO commands. No other TSO commands are allowed.

MTBP008 - Received command: xxxx

Explanation This is the command that has been issued.
Action None.

MTBP009 - Invalid command, nothing specified

Explanation Invalid command, nothing specified.
Action Specify a valid command.

MTBP010 - Negative command/keyword length encountered

Explanation Negative command/keyword length encountered.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP011 - Invalid command: xxxx

Explanation The issued command is unkown or not allowed.
Action Specify a valid command.

MTBP012 - More than one command: xxxx

Explanation More than one command: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP013 - Invalid parameter keyword: xxxx

Explanation Invalid parameter keyword: xxxx.
Action Specify valid parameter keyword(s).

MTBP014 - Invalid BPNAME specified

Explanation The syntax of the buffer pool name is not correct.
Action Check the syntax of the buffer pool name.

MTBP015 - Invalid SUBSID specified

Explanation The syntax of the subsystem-ID is not correct.
Action Check the syntax of the subsystem-ID.

MTBP016 - Invalid SIZE specified

Explanation Invalid SIZE specified.
Action Specify the size of the message buffer pool as an integer value in the correct range.

MTBP017 - Buffer pool is already allocated: xxxx

Explanation The specified buffer pool name is already active. You cannot have more than one job for a given buffer pool.
Action None.

MTBP018 - Allocation of IDT segment failed: xxxx

Explanation Allocation of IDT segment failed: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP019 - DSPSERV CREATE failed with reason: xxxx

Explanation DSPSERV CREATE failed with reason: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP020 - ALESERV ADD failed with return code: xxxx

Explanation ALESERV ADD failed with return code: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP021 - Subsystem not active: xxxx

Explanation Message Buffer pool must be started after NATASMvr and/or NATRSMvr.
Action Start NATASMvr and/or NATRSMvr before starting NATMBPvr.

MTBP022 - Buffer pool not active: xxxx

Explanation Buffer pool not active: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP023 - ALESERV DELETE failed with return code: xxxx

Explanation ALESERV DELETE failed with return code: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP024 - DSPSERV DELETE failed with reason code: xxxx

Explanation DSPSERV DELETE failed with reason code: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP025 - Message BP is deactivated now: xxxx

Explanation This is an information message.
Action None.

MTBP026 - Message BP is active now: xxxx

Explanation This is an information message.
Action None.

MTBP027 - Buffer pool table is full.

Explanation Buffer pool table is full.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP028 - Other than MODIFY or STOP command received

Explanation The received command is different from MODIFY or STOP.
Action Use only MODIFY or STOP TSO commands. No other TSO commands are allowed.

MTBP029 - Allocation of LX memory failed: xxxx

Explanation Allocation of LX memory failed: xxxx.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP030 - DDNAME missing for input file: xxxx

Explanation DDNAME missing for input file: xxxx.
Action Make sure a dataset with the given DDNAME is specified in the JCL.

MTBP031 - DDNAME not specified or invalid

Explanation The syntax of the DDNAME is invalid, or no DDNAME is specified at all.
Action Check the syntax of DDNAME.

MTBP032 - OPEN for command input file failed: xxxx

Explanation OPEN for command input file failed: xxxx.
Action Check the access level of the specified dataset.

MTBP033 - No Zaps are applied

Explanation No Zaps are applied.
Action Contact Software AG Support.

MTBP034 - DD statement for SNAP missing: xxxx

Explanation DD statement for SNAP missing: xxxx.
Action Make sure that there is a DDNAME for a SNAP dump.

MTBP035 - OPEN for SNAP failed: xxxx

Explanation OPEN for SNAP failed: xxxx.
Action Conact Software AG Support.

MTBP036 - DDNAME too long.

Explanation A DDNAME must have a length between 1 and 8 characters.
Action Check the length of the DDNAME.

MTBP037 - Invalid value specified for AREA

Explanation Invalid value specified for AREA.
Action Specify a valid value for AREA (ALL|HT|TEXT|CB|COMM).

MTBP038 - Invalid BPLIST specified

Explanation Invalid BPLIST specified.
Action Specify a name with a length between 1 and 8 characters.

MTBP039 - Buffer pool poolname owned by other task

Explanation There is a sharing conflict with the buffer pool.
Action Check if another active configuration is using the same pool name.

MTBP040 - Startup parameter: parameter

Explanation The startup parameters are echoed to JESMSGLG.
Action None.

MTBP041 - Operator command: command

Explanation The Message Buffer Pool Server echoes operator commands to JESMSGLG.
Action None.

MTBP042 - OPEN command file: filename

Explanation The name of the command file is echoed to JESMSGLG.
Action None.

MTBP043 - CLOSE command file: filename

Explanation The name of the command file is echoed to JESMSGLG.
Action None.

MTBP044 - Wrong ECSAD version: version

Explanation The Message Buffer Pool Server is started while there is still an ECSA-Directory present for another version of the Message Buffer Pool Server for this subsystem-ID.
Action Rename the subsystem-ID, IPL the system, or start NATASMvr with option ECSADUPD.

MTBP045 - Dataspace created: dataspace name, token, ALET, TaskId

Explanation Diagnostic message for Software AG Support.
Action Report the SYSOUT containing this message to Software AG Support when requested.

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