GETMAIN Error Numbers in NAT7545

This document describes the error numbers which are displayed in Error Message NAT7545 as a result of a failed GETMAIN request:

NAT7545 getmain of :1: for :2: buffer failed (:3:/:4:)

- where:

  • :3: contains one of the following error numbers and

  • :4: may contain length-specific information which is explained below, or the response code from the operating system.

Error 04 : Thread upper limit exceeded

Explanation   The Natural user thread is too small.
Action   Increase the Natural thread length.

Error 08 : Invalid buffer type

Explanation   Internal error, the buffer type used is not valid.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 12 : Compression table is full

Explanation   Internal error, upper limit of the compression table exceeded.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 16 : Buffer already exists

Explanation   Internal error, a GETMAIN for an existing buffer was executed.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 20 : 1st requested buffer was not the PCB

Explanation   Internal error, Natural Permanent Control Block missing.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 24 : Invalid GETMAIN length

Explanation   Internal error, the buffer length of a GETMAIN is invalid.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 28 : Address Physical Buffer Table missing

Explanation   Internal error, address of Physical Buffer Table not found.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 32 : Physical Buffer Table is full

Explanation   Internal error, upper limit of Physical Buffer Table exceeded.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 36 : Incorrect Buffer Prefix Table entry (CMBPFT)

Explanation   Internal error, Buffer Prefix Table entry in NATCONFG is destroyed.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 40 : Physical freemain not done

Explanation   Internal error, freemain of the work pools not done.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 44 : Work Pool or Fixed Buffer allocated above instead below

Explanation   Internal error, work pool or fixed buffer not allocated below the 16-MB line.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 48 : Address of Buffer Prefix Table entry not resolved

Explanation   The address of entry CMBPFT in module NATCONFG is not resolved.
Action   Module NATCONFG must be linked to the Natural nucleus.

Error 52 : Error from CMGETMP - see :4: in message NAT7545

Explanation   Physical GETMAIN error from the operating system.
Action   For details, see reason code and response code from operating system.

Error 56 : Thread overflow size greater defined OVSIZE in NTPRM


Explanation   Defined OVSIZE in Natural parameter module (macro NTPRM, see Natural for Mainframes, Operations) exceeded.
Action   Increase the OVSIZE in the Natural Parameter Module.

Error 60 : Getmain buffer size lower min. Buffer size

Explanation   Internal error, the buffer length is lower than the minimum buffer size.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 64 : Getmain buffer size greater max. buffer size

Explanation   Internal error, buffer length is greater than the maximum buffer size.
Action   Contact Software AG Support.

Error 68 : Total size of work pools below the line exceeds max. size


Explanation   The total size of all work pools below the 16-MB line exceeds the defined max. size in the 3rd operand of keyword parameter WPSIZE in the Natural parameter module (macro NTPRM).
Action   Increase the 3rd operand of the keyword parameter WPSIZE in the macro NTPRM.

Error 72 : Total size of work pools above the line exceeds max. size


Explanation   The total size of all work pools above the 16-MB line exceeds the defined max. size in the 4th operand of keyword parameter WPSIZE in the Natural parameter module (macro NTPRM).
Action   Increase the 4th operand of the keyword parameter WPSIZE in the macro NTPRM.