Natural SPoD Architecture

This section describes the system architecture of Natural's Single Point of Development (SPoD).

SPoD allows centralized application development from a single Windows environment. You can use the features of the Natural Studio (provided with Natural for Windows) to develop and test Natural applications in a remote environment located on a mainframe or Linux platform.

SPoD is based on a client/server concept that allows one single development environment for all platforms. The diagram below illustrates this concept and the major components of the SPoD architecture:

Development Client

Natural for Windows serves as the remote development desktop client for the target environment on a mainframe or a Linux platform. The desktop client includes Natural Studio, which is the central workstation where users design applications. All Natural-related functions required for remote development can be performed from within Natural Studio.

Development Server

Natural Development Server plug-in allows remote development for the Natural installation in the target environment on a mainframe, Linux or Windows platform. Natural on the target platform plus Natural Development Server plug-in constitute the development server.

Add-on Product

Natural Studio provides plug-ins that can be used to integrate one or more Natural add-on products (for example, Predict) into a SPoD environment. The installation of the respective add-on product(s) in the development server environment is a prerequisite for Natural Studio plug-ins.


You can use Natural Security to protect the Natural Development Server environment, and Natural base applications and compound applications. For further information, refer to the Natural Security documentation.

Related Topic:

  • Natural Single Point of Development documentation