MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Administration | Process Performance Manager Integration | Edit PPM Connections
Edit PPM Connections
You can edit already existing PPM connections.
Note: Changes in PPM connection properties can immediately affect data feed calculations so that they may not execute properly.
For MashZone NextGen to connect and retrieve PPM data or charts, the following PPM applications must be started:
For details on your PPM installation, contact the system administrator in charge.You can enter PPM connection information manually or you can have MashZone NextGen determine them using the URL of a PPM favorite (favorites path). For information on copying the URL of a PPM favorite, see PPM on-line help topics.
* To edit PPM connections
1. In the program bar click the user name by which you are logged in to MashZone NextGen.
2. Click Admin Console.
3. Click PPM connections to expand this section of the Administration menu.
4. Click PPM connections. A list of all available PPM connections will be displayed.
5. Click the Edit icon to configure a PPM connection.
6. The Alias field of an already configured PPM connection is not editable. The connection data is saved under this alias.
7. To retrieve the connection data from the URL of a favorite from PPM:
a. Click Retrieve data.
b. Enter the URL of the PPM favorite that you copied earlier in the URL field.
c. Click Resolve URL to retrieve the required parameters from the URL. MashZone NextGen uses the favorite URL to complete the remaining fields for this connection.
8. To enter connection information manually:
a. Select the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) to use for the web application server that hosts the PPM query interface.
For safety reason, we recommend to use the HTTPS protocol.
b. In the Host field, enter the fully qualified domain name of the PPM load balancer.
c. In the Port field, enter the port number of the PPM load balancer.
d. Specify the PPM client name of your PPM connection in the Client field.
9. Click Check availability to verify that the data is correct and that the PPM client is available.
10. Click Save.
Your changes are applied.

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