Use interactive filters in your dashboards
You can use interactive filters for charts and tables if the relevant filter conditions have been defined for these components. You can set a filter by clicking a data element of a component, for example, a data point in a line chart or a row in a table. The selected data element of this component takes effect as a filter for all associated components.
Multiple selection
Some components allow you to select multiple values at the same time to filter other components. You can select, for example, multiple rows in a table or multiple data points in a chart. Multiple selection is available if the corresponding
Multiple selection option is enabled for a component. The components providing the
Multiple selection option are
Column chart,
Bar chart,
Pie chart,
Grid, and
List. The component to be filtered must also support the multiple selection. For details, see
Define filters for dashboard components.
PPM context-based dashboards
PPM context-based dashboards,
MashZone NextGen provides an addition filter panel for filtering dashboard components. All filter dependencies between PPM context-based components are created automatically. See
Use the filter panel of PPM context-based components for details.
2. Click a data element of a dashboard component, for example, a coordinate of a line chart or a cell in a table.
The selected data element is applied as a filter to all associated components.
3. Click the
Menu icon > Clear selection to clear your filter settings. In charts, you can also click in the background of a component to cancel the selection of your filter. The menu is available if the Show menu option is enabled for the component.
The dashboard components are displayed based on the filter selected.
You can define filters for multiple dashboard components. See
Define filters for dashboard components.