MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Operators | Data transformation operators | RAQL Inline | Parameters
The following parameters are available.
Data feeds
Up to four data feeds to be transformed. In the RAQL statement, the feeds are referred to as feed1, feed2, feed3, and feed4. At least one feed must be connected.
RAQL query
Input field to enter any RAQL statement.
Insert parameter ()
Inserts user defined input parameters at cursor position. The button is only clickable if at least one user input parameter, for example, Text user input, has already been inserted in the feed definition.
Expand () / Collapse ()
Temporarily expand the edit box. When expanded, the box will shrink again upon clicking , or when the editor goes out of focus.
The RAQL syntax reference can be found at RAQL Query Syntax Reference.
Built-in RAQL functions are described in Built-In RAQL Functions.
For instructions on how to create user-defined functions, see Configure, Compile, Deploy and Test User-Defined Functions
SELECT feed1.productName,
FROM feed1, feed2
WHERE price <= :maxPrice
AND feed1.supplierId =

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