MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Use data feeds | Delete data feeds
Delete data feeds
You can delete individual data feeds in the feed editor.
Note: Deleted data feeds could not be restored.
1. Click DATA SOURCES > Open data feed in the MashZone NextGen Hub main menu.
2. Select an Available data feed and click OK.
You can also search a data feed by keyboard entry.
Depending on the browser settings, the feed editor opens in a separate tab or in a separate window, and you can specify your settings.
3. Click Manage > Delete in the feed editor main menu.
4. Click Yes.
The selected data feed is deleted.
You can delete multiple data feeds simultaneously by using the MashZone NextGen API console. The API console provides the DashboardFeedService service to search and to delete dashboards and data feeds. See MashZone NextGen Platform API Console for details.

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