MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Dashboard components
Dashboard components
Line chart
Column chart
Bar chart
Pie chart
Bubble chart
Circular gauge chart
Horizontal and vertical gauge chart
Traffic lights
Drop-down box
Input field
MashZone NextGen app
MashZone NextGen view
Rich text editor
Date filter
MashZone NextGen provides a various number of dashboard components.
Available dashboard components:
* Bar Chart
* Circular gauge Chart
* Column Chart
* Date filter
* Drop-down box
* Grid
* Image
* Input field
* Label
* Line Chart
* List
* MashZone NextGen App (not available by default)
* MashZone NextGen Views (not available by default)
* Pie Chart
* Rich text editor
* Slider
* Traffic Light
See also Insert components in a dashboard.

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Innovation Release