MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Administration | MashZone NextGen Security | Authentication with Digital Certificates/SSL | Configure Dynamic User Support
Configure Dynamic User Support
Dynamic user support allows MashZone NextGen to accept a valid certificate even if the user is not provisioned in the User Repository. You can also define a set of roles for dynamic users to enable specific service access. To configure dynamic user support:
1. Using any text or XML editor, edit the applicationContext-security-authn-x509.xml file in the web-apps-home/mashzone/WEB-INF/classes directory.
2. Find the x509 Authorities Populator (<bean id="x509AuthoritiesPopulator" >) and:
a. Change the value attribute for <property name="dynamicUser"/> to IN_MEMORY.
For example:
<property name="dynamicUser" value="IN_MEMORY"/>
b. To set up groups or roles to use as authorization for dynamic users, add or uncomment <property name="dynamicUserRoles">.
c. Add a <list> child and add a <value> child under that for each group or role that dynamic users should be authorized for.
For example:
<property name="dynamicUserRoles">
3. Save your changes to this file.

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