CONNX Data Integration Suite 14.8.0 | CONNX Embedded SQL for Adabas | Installation procedure | Windows Quick-Start Guide
Windows Quick-Start Guide
This section describes how to precompile, build, and execute the Employees.exe example; contains a description of the preliminary requirements; and explains how to run the example; for the Windows platform.
These are the minimum preliminary requirements:
*Install the latest version of the Embedded SQL for Adabas.
*Create an Adabas database with a sample EMPLOYEES table that is identical in content to the default sample Adabas EMPLOYEES table. The table may be created within ADADBA using the Employees.fdt provided in the PRECOMPILER/WINDOWS install directory.
*Install either Visual Studio 6 or 7 and make sure it is available.
*To quick-start the Embedded SQL for Adabas Employees.exe example file on a Windows machine:
1. Create a new CDD using the DDL import option and the Employees.ddl provided in the PRECOMPILER/WINDOWS install directory, or use an existing CDD containing the EMPLOYEES Adabas sample table.
2. Verify that the CDD security allows Read/Write Queries.
3. Create a new DSN by clicking Add in the DSNRegistry tool. (Start menu > Programs > CONNX > DSNRegistry).
For more information, see the "To add a new data source name for the JDBC driver" section found in the Embedded SQL for Adabas help file, available online, and within the Embedded SQL for Adabas product.
4. Edit the Employees.c source file so that all connection information is correct.
5. Set the following environment variables within the build_test.bat file:

ADADIR = <Root of your Adabas install>
ADAVERS = <version of your Adabas installation, for example, V331>
SAG_COMMON = <Path to the Software AG common DLL repository>
VS_PATH = <Path to bin directory of Visual Studio>
6. Inspect the pre_compile.bat and compile.bat files and, if necessary, edit them to ensure that the sample will build in your environment.
7. Start the CONNX JDBC Server as described in "Starting the JDBC Server" in the Adabas SQL Gateway help file.
8. Start the Adabas database.
9. Type the following at the command line, to precompile, build, and run the example:

The example writes to and deletes from the database. If all of the tests that do write/delete succeed, then the database should have returned to its original state.