Opening a CDD for Editing
The main page of the Online CONNX Data Dictionary tool has a file browser interface that mirrors the folder structure of the CDD location folder. The default folder is the installation directory of the 32bit CONNX components. If you want to change the default folder, see
Changing the Default CDD Folder.
You can use the file browser to go in folders. To back out of a folder, you can use your browser's Back button, or the directory breadcrumb path.
You can use the refresh buttons to refresh the file browser interface or the Recently Opened field.
You can set the amount of items shown per page of the file browser by using the controls at the bottom of the page.
To open a CDD:
1. Go to the main online CONNX Data Dictionary Manager page.
You can select CONNX Data Dictionary from the home page or the tile menu on the top right.
2. Browse to a CDD in the folder and click on it.
You can click the funnel icon to open a search bar that lets you enter the name of a specific CDD or folder.
Each CDD that you open is saved in the Recently Opened field for quick future access .