CONNX Data Integration Suite 14.8.0 | CONNX Embedded SQL for Adabas | Installation procedure | Installation on z/OS | Installing CONNX Embedded SQL for Adabas - z/OS
Installing CONNX Embedded SQL for Adabas - z/OS
*To install CONNX Embedded SQL for Adabas:
1. Start Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL Setup (located in Start menu > All Programs > CONXX Driver) on a Windows computer that has the CONNX Server Installation component installed.
The Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL Setup is also ran when you select Adabas SQL Gateway or the Adabas Mainframe Server Components, and the Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL option during installation.
2. On the z/OS tab, fill in the server's Login Information in the respected fields.
Fill in the server's TCP/IP symbolic host name or dotted numeric address, a privileged user account name, and a user account password. The password appears as *******.
All fields in the Login Information section are required.
3. Under Code Page, enter the code page the zOS system is using.
4. See Required and Optional Fields for a detailed explanation on what information to input in the rest of the fields and which fields are optional.
5. Click the Install button. This action starts an FTP session and copies the selected CONNX components from the client PC to the target host. Copying alert and FTP windows are displayed.
6. Once the FTP successfully completes, you are ready to install the selected Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded components on the host. Log on to TSO on the target system. Under ISPF, navigate to the data set identified by the DSN HLQ parameter ( Required and Optional Fields). Verify that the following data sets exist:
Location of the installation JCL and Utility procedure JCL
Location of Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL object files
Location of utility JCL for running the CNTL procedures and for compiling the C and COBOL sample files
(Available only if Samples were selected for installation)
The SAMP data set contains the following utility JCLs:
Sample JCL to compile, link, and run the C example. This JCL is specific to SAS/C.
Sample JCL to compile, link and run the COBOL example.
Sample C source with embedded SQL.
Sample COBOL source with embedded SQL.
Sample JCL to run the C/C++ pre-compiler.
Sample JCL to run the COBOL pre-compiler.
Sample JCL to run ACEINT with dynamic SQL commands.
7. Browse the CNTL data set and verify that the following members exist:
Installation script
JCL Procedure for executing the ACEINT utility
JCL Procedure for executing the C/C++ Precompiler
JCL Procedure for executing the COBOL Precompiler
8. Edit the job card for the INST member and submit. The installation is a success if all the return codes are 4 or less.