Importing an RMS SCT Datamart COBOL File Definition
If you are not using the standard SCT locicals, refer to the SCTLOGICAL import setting. In addition, see
CONNX and SCT Import Rules for information about the import logic.
To import an RMS SCT Datamart COBOL file:
1. Go to the main online CONNX Data Dictionary Manager page.
You can select CONNX Data Dictionary from the home page or the tile menu on the top right.
2. Browse to the CDD you want to import in and open it.
3. Click the Import button.
4. In the Import Type window, select RMS SCT Datamart COBOL FD Files from the dropdown menu and click OK.
5. In the Connection Information step, fill in the connection information in the respective fields and click Next:
a. The server address in the Server field.
b. The username for the server in the Username field.
c. The password for the server in the Password field.
d. The TCP/IP port in the TCP/IP Port field.
e. Select a destination database from the dropdown menu. If you don't select a database, the destination database will default to a new one.
f. Turn the Use TLS/SSL option on if you want to use that functionality.
6. In the Import Properties step, specify the full name for the SCT Datamart COBOL FD file, for example SI$SOURCE:ACADRC.LIB.
You can use wildcard syntax (for example SI$SOURCE:*RC.LIB) to import multiple SCT COBOL FD files from the SIS module.
7. Turn the Use Uncompressed Format or Exclude Unusable Non-Rotated Records options on if you want to use them.
8. Click Done to finish the import procedure.
If CONNX detects more than one record layout when importing, CONNX will create a data dictionary entry for each layout.
Cobol copybooks do not contain the name of the data file. When you import from a copybook, you have to enter the file name of the data sources manually. See
Inputting the Data File Name when Importing from File Definition Files for more information.