Editing the JDBC Server Startup Procedure in UNIX
1. Log on or use telnet to connect to your UNIX based JDBC server and start a terminal session.
2. Create a shell script:
# begin CONNX startup
CNXDIR=path to CONNX JDBC server
PATH=basic system path for shell programs
case "$1" in
su <connx
user> -c "$CNXDIR/jdbcserver START";;
su <connx
user> -c "$CNXDIR/jdbcserver STOP";;
su connx user -c "$CNXDIR/jdbcserver START";;
exit 0
#end CONNX startup script
The value for path to CONNX JDBC server is the path to the CONNX installation directory. The value for basic system path for shell programs should contain the path for basic shell utilities such as cd and ls. The value for connx user is the user that has been designated to start the CONNX processes. It is not recommended that any of the CONNX server processes be started with the root account.
3. Save the document.
The CONNX JDBC server automatically starts when you restart the system. You can check the status of the server using: $CNXDIR/jdbcserver STATUS. In addition, you can check the log file in the CNXDIR directory to verify the start procedure.
You must be logged in as root to complete the script configuration and set the proper permissions on the script.