Changing the Column Order in a New Target Table
Changing the column order in a new target table includes:
Opening a CONNX Data Dictionary (CDD).
Moving the rows in a column map so the target table columns are in the correct order.
Change the column order in a new target table if you want the source and target table columns to be in different order.
After you change the column order in a new target table, you will be able to:
Create the target table.
Deploy the replication (which will start replicating data from source database to target database).
A target table is considered to be "new" if it does not exist on the target database and it has not been created or deployed.
You can change the column order in a new Target Table. Columns can be grouped together even if they don't appear in that order in the Source Table.
You can not use Adabas Event Replicator for LUW to change the order of the columns in the Source Table. The Add Row, Delete Row, Row Up, and Row Down buttons are only available when mapping to a new target table. If you are mapping to an existing target table and wish to change the structure of that table, you will need to press the Drop Target Table button (available when mapping to an existing table). This will drop the target table and allow you to re-create it with the new structure.
Only do this if you intend to physically drop and re-create the target table. All data in the existing table will be lost.
Adabas Event Replicator for LUW cannot create Adabas Target Tables, therefore you cannot map columns to a new Adabas Target Table. All Adabas Target Table changes must be done using Adabas, not Adabas Event Replicator for LUW.
To change the column order:
1. Open the Adabas Event Replicator for LUW CDD.
2. Select a new Target Table to change. Click Map Columns. The Map Columns window appears.
3. Select a row you want to move and use the Row Up and Row Down buttons to move it to the desired place in the order.