Summary Tab
The DataSync Overview Summary Page is the landing page for the DataSync administrator and provides real time information about all the synchronization jobs that are currently running in the system, as well as historical summary information about completed jobs.
The Summary page is divided into two sections. The top section represents information about currently running Synchronization jobs and the bottom section provides a summary of historical syncs. Some functions on this screen use icons. Head to the
Icon Glossary for a picture of the icon and an explanation of its purpose.
Current Syncs
The Current Syncs section provides real time information for all synchronization tasks currently running. This section auto refreshes and always shows up to date information for the system.
Processing Speed Processing Speed is represented by the speedometer graph and shows the overall speed of all running jobs in either megabytes per second or records per second. The graph can be toggled between these two metrics by clicking either MB or Rec in the upper right corner of the speedometer's display.
Current Sync Statuses This section provides information on how many jobs are currently running, how many are queued waiting to run, and have many have finished.
Individual Progress of each running Job The section to the right of Processing Speed and Current Sync Statuses shows statistics for each running job. The following information is presented:
Progress - This is a bar graph that indicates how much of a job is completed.
Item Name - This is the name of the table, transformation, or group that is currently running.
Current Action - This provides information about what DataSync is doing.
For example, Pulling Full+29432 indicates that DataSync is performing a full reload of the target table and has retrieved 29432 records from the source. Other possible actions are Analyzing, Inserting, Updating, or Deleting.
Process ID - This displays the process ID or PID of the DataSync process that is performing the sync. The
Summary screen shows information for all DataSync jobs in the system - if there are multiple scheduled syncs running along with on demand syncs, there may be several PIDs represented on the display.
Thread ID - This displays the thread ID within the process. Each table or transformation will be synchronized in a separate thread. The maximum number of worker threads per process can be adjusted in Settings.
Start Time - This is a timestamp indicating when the synchronization task started.
Elapsed Time - This displays how long the synchronization has been running. It is in the form
hh:mm:ss Historical Syncs
The Historical Syncs section provides a summary of the completed synchronization tasks, as well as a table view showing the individual tasks and their statistics.
Control buttons - There are three control buttons above the information section in the lower half of the display:
Time frame specification - This drop down box allows you to specify the time frame for historical data. Possible values are 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, and all time.
Search Filter - This button activates search fields for the
Item Name, and
Item Type fields. To filter the results in the list of historical synchronization tasks, enter a value in one or more of these search fields.
For example, entering the word EMPLOYEES in the Item Name search box will display only the tasks that have the word EMPLOYEES in Item Name.
Refresh - This button refreshes the lower portion of the page.
Completed Sync Statuses - Completed Sync Statuses are displayed in the lower left section of the page. This section shows the total number of sync tasks that have been run in the time frame specified in the
Time Frame drop down. It also shows the total number of Successful tasks, as well as the total number of tasks that failed with an error.
List of Historical Syncs - The lower right section contains a table list of the synchronization tasks that have run during the time frame specified in the
Time Frame drop down. For details about the information presented in this table, please refer to the Historical Syncs topic later in this section.