CONNX Data Integration Suite 14.8.0 | Reference Guide | Error Messages | VSAM Error Messages | Started Task VSAM/QSAM/PDS: Error Message Diagnostics
Started Task VSAM/QSAM/PDS: Error Message Diagnostics
Action Code A01
Enable the CONNX debug trace and send the trace output to a Software AG technical support representative.
If the SAS/C STDERR DDNAME points to a JES SYSOUT dataset or to a physical sequential data set, browse the output for SAS/C runtime library error messages. In some cases, these messages may be sufficent to diagnose the error scenario.
By default, both the STDERR and STDOUT DDNAMES are dummied out in JCL procedures CNXVSAM and CNXVSCT, which reside in the CONNX JCL dataset (default name = CONNX.VVRR.STASK.CNTL).
If the CONNX VSAM / QSAM / PDS listener program is executed as a started task, change the started task DDNAME definitions to point to the pre-allocated *.STDERR and *.STDOUT datasets; for example:
If the CONNX VSAM / QSAM / PDS listener program is executed as a batch job, add overrides to the execution JCL member (default = CNXVSAMJ):
Pointing DDNAME STDERR to SYSOUT or to a sequential dataset captures SAS/C runtime library error messages. For further diagnostic messages, enable the CONNX debug trace logic by setting the CONNX DEBUG environment variable to 1. This procedure is described in Defining Unique CONNX Environment Variables per Started Task/Batch Job.
Find the current control record member used to define CONNX environment variables in the CONNX *.CNTL partitioned data set (default = CNXPARMS) and change the =DEBUG environment variable to 1.
Next, stop the CONNX VSAM/QSAM/PDS Started Task/Batch Job TCP/IP listener program (CNXRUNB). This procedure is described in Stopping the CONNX Started Task/Batch Job TCP/IP Listener.
Restart the the CONNX VSAM/QSAM/PDS Started Task/Batch job TCP/IP listener program (CNXRUNB) by submitting the execution JCL (CNXVSAMJ) or by starting the started task (CNXVSAM).
Rerun the problem scenario from the client PC(s). If the trace logic has been successfully enabled, the *.STDOUT physical sequential dataset will contain CONNX debug messages; additional SAS/C runtime library error messages, if any, will be written to the *.STDERR physical sequential dataset.
You might be asked to send both trace output datasets to your Software AG technical representative.
After successfully generating a CONNX trace, disable the CONNX trace logic by resetting the DEBUG environment variable in the CNXPARMS member of the CONNX *.CNTL partitioned data set to 0.
Next, reinstate the STDERR and STDOUT DDNAMEs to DUMMY in the CNXVSAM JCL procedure:
If the CONNX VSAM/QSAM/PDS listener program is executed as a batch job, remove the overrides to the execution JCL member (default = CNXVSAMJ):
Finally, stop and restart the CONNX VSAM/QSAM/PDS TCP/IP listener program as documented above.