CONNX Data Integration Suite 14.8.0 | Installation Guide | Installation Steps | Post-Installation Procedures | CONNX JDBC Sample Applet
CONNX JDBC Sample Applet
A sample Applet is provided to test CONNX JDBC installation. For this example, CONNXSamples was used as a Data Source Name. To test other data sources, it is necessary to use the DSNRegistry tool to register the data sources. There are two ways to test the applet as follows:
Running the CONNX JDBC Sample Applet from an AppletViewer
This option requires an AppletViewer application. AppletViewer is a Java SDK application that allows applets to be tested without a Web browser. It may be necessary to install a Java SDK to obtain the AppletViewer application. A Java SDK has more utilities than the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) that is installed with CONNX JDBC. Java SDKs are available through download for systems running JDBC. See JDBC Resources, for a list of Web sites that offer JDK download options.
To test the CONNX JDBC applet from a Windows machine, run CONNX JDBC Sample Applet and:
1. Enter:
*Gateway: the server TCP/IP address or host name.
*User: CONNX user name.
*Password: CONNX password .
*Data Source: CONNX Data Source Name registered in DSNRegistry.
*Application: the name of a CONNX application if you are using one.
2. Click Connect.
3. Type a query in the Query text box and click Query.
4. Click Disconnect to disconnect the applet.
To test the CONNX JDBC applet from a non-Windows machine:
1. Verify that the connxjdbcftp.jar file has been copied and unpacked to the non-Windows target. For information on how to transfer the connxjdbcftp.jar file, refer to Moving a Client to a Non-Windows Platform By Transferring the .jar File.
2. Go to the C:\<installation location>\CONNXJDBC\JAVA\SAMPLES directory.
3. Press <Enter>, and then type the following command:
appletviewer connxSampleApplet.html
to run the sample applet. The Applet Frame window appears.
Testing from a Web Server
To test the sample applet from a Web server:
1. Copy the ConnxSampleApplet.html, ConnxSampleApplet.jar, and ConnxJdbc.jar files to a directory that can be accessed by your Web server, for example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\jdbctest. If the Web server root file is C:\Inetpub\wwwroot, client can access the html page by going to http://<website ip address> or <website name>/jdbctest/ConnxSampleApplet.html.
2. Test the installation by using a different client machine to access the ConnxSampleApplet.html file. The client machine does not have to have CONNX JDBC. The ConnxJdbc.jar file is downloaded when the .html file is accessed. If it is a non-Windows Web server, for example, Linux, the CONNX JDBC Router must be installed on the Web server machine.