CONNX Data Integration Suite 14.8.0 | Administration Guide | CONNX REST Server | Managing Users for the Online CONNX Suite
Managing Users for the Online CONNX Suite
With the Online CONNX Suite, you can manage users and assign different roles. The roles are hierarchical - each higher-level role has all the permissions of the role below it, plus additional permissions. A user can have a different role for each of the applications in the Suite. A user needs the Administrator user role to access the User Management functions. Users without Administrator privileges do not have User Management on their menu. The User Management page can be accessed from the User Menu at the top of the screen.
The roles and their permissions for each application are as follows:
CDD Manager and Configuration Manager
Role Name
Role Permissions
1. All the activities of Designer
2. User Management
1. All the activities of User
2. Add, update, delete data dictionaries
3. Import new databases into a CDD
View the CDD information.
For DataSync user roles, see User Management in DataSync
For a comprehensive list of each API and the required security to execute it, refer to the REST API Documentation.
The first User ID used to log into the CONNX REST Server is automatically registered as an Administrator. After this first log in, you will be taken directly to the User Management page. The page contains the following items:
User Roles Table
The User Roles table shows the list of users authorized to use the CONNX REST Server and what their role is. The following table has the name and description of each column in the User Roles table:
User ID
The domain and user id as it appears in Windows Active Directory
This is the value in the Full Name Active Directory field
The Role of this user.
Clicking the Edit button will take you to the Edit User dialog. This dialog will allow you to modify a user's role. There must always be at least one Administrator in the system. If an Administrator is the only Administrator in the system, attempting to change the Role to a non-Administrator role will result in an error.
Clicking the Delete button will remove the user from the list of authorized CONNX REST Server users. There must always be at least one Administrator in the system. If an Administrator is the only Administrator in the system, attempting to delete the user will result in an error.
Add User
The Add User button will open the Add New User dialog.
When you start typing the User ID or User Name in the User field, a search of the Active Directory starts. As more characters are entered, the list of possible users will narrow. When a domain forest is present and you wish to search for a user in a related domain other than the domain the CONNX REST Server is on, you must specify the domain.
For example, if you have a "dev" domain as a child of the domain the CONNX REST Server is on, a search of "dev/dev" would show users with "dev" in the name, such as "devadmin1" or "devgroup1" under the "dev" domain. Users that have "dev" in the name but are not under the "dev" domain will be excluded.
After you locate the user you're looking for, you can click on it to select it, and then use the Role dropdown menu to select the role you wish to apply to that user.