The CONNX Enterprise OLE DB/ODBC module enables users to connect to most OLE DB- or ODBC-compliant data source tables.
The Enterprise version of the OLE DB/ODBC Adapter can be used to access data from any existing third-party ODBC or OLE DB data source, including IDMS, Ingres, UniVerse, or Unidata data sources for which a CONNX module does not exist.
The Desktop version of the OLE DB/ODBC Adapter can be used to provide read/write access to data sources normally stored on the desktop, in a hard drive, or on a network drive, including Paradox, FileMaker, FoxPro, Lotus Notes, dbase, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and delimited text files in database format.
The selected data source driver must be installed on all client machines that have access to the data source tables since they will be using the same DSN (Data Source Name), See
ODBC Data Source Names Used with Multiple Users in this topic for more information.
The driver used to import table information must support ADO and be fully ODBC Level 2 compliant.