Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Working with Projects > Editing Apama files > Specifying colors to distinguish EPL elements
Specifying colors to distinguish EPL elements
In EPL files, Software AG Designer uses the following colors to indicate the various parts of EPL code:
*Keywords are dark magenta.
*Types are red.
*Comments are green.
*Literal values are blue.
*Operators (+, –, =, and so on) are black.
*All other text is black.
To change one or more colors:
1. In the Software AG Designer menu bar, choose Window > Preferences.
2. Expand Software AG > Apama.
3. Expand MonitorScript.
4. Click Editor Colors.
5. Click the current color of the item whose color you want to change.
6. In the color palette that appears, click the new color.
7. Click OK twice.
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