Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Profiling EPL Applications > Launching profiling sessions > Launching a custom profiling session
Launching a custom profiling session
You can create custom launch configurations for profiling Apama EPL applications. See Creating a custom profile launch configuration for more information on creating a custom profiler launch configuration.
To launch a profiling session in Software AG Designer using a custom launch configuration, assuming that you have defined a custom profiler launch configuration:
1. In the Project Explorer right-click the project name and select Profile As > Apama Correlator Profiler. The Select Profile Application dialog is displayed.
2. In the Select Profile Application dialog, select the launch configuration you want to use and click OK.
3. By default, Software AG Designer displays the Confirm Perspective Switch dialog asking if you want to use the Apama Profiler perspective. Click Yes. Software AG Designer switches to the Apama Profiler perspective and begins collecting data from the EPL application.
Note, you can change the behavior of the Confirm Perspective Switch dialog by changing a setting in the Profiling Monitor view's Preferences wizard; see Displaying Apama perspective preferences.
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