Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Working with Projects > Internationalizing Apama applications
Internationalizing Apama applications
By default, Software AG Designer saves Apama project files in your platform’s native encoding. If you choose to save Apama project files in UTF-8 encoding in the Resource tab of a file or a folder’s Properties dialog, Software AG Designer adds a UTF-8 BOM character at the beginning of each file. This indicates that the contents are in UTF-8. The character is required to be compatible with other Apama tools.
To specify the encoding for Apama projects:
1. In the Apama Project Navigator view, click the project for which you want to define the encoding.
2. In the Software AG Designer menu bar, choose Project > Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog, click Info.
4. In the Text File Encoding group box, click Other and select the encoding you want.
5. Click OK.
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