Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Working with Projects > Building Apama projects > Configuring the project build path > Defining MonitorScript Build Path variables
Defining MonitorScript Build Path variables
In any Apama project, you can define a variable that you can use in all your Apama projects. You might find it useful to define a variable in a situation where multiple users share the same project. If the project is dependent on one or more external files, not all users might have the external file stored in the same location. Each user defines a variable to specify the location of a shared file dependency.
To define an Apama project variable:
1. In the Software AG Designer menu bar, choose Window > Preferences.
2. In the Preferences dialog that appears, expand Software AG > Apama.
3. Click MonitorScript Path Variables.
4. In the MonitorScript Path Variables dialog, click New.
5. In the New Variable Entry dialog, in the Name field, enter the name of the new variable.
6. Click File... or Folder... according to which one you want the variable to represent. Choose whatever is convenient for you. If the variable represents a directory, you can use the same variable in the path for more than one file. If the variable represents a file, you can use that variable for only that file’s path.
7. Navigate to the appropriate folder or EPL file and double-click it.
8. Click OK and in the New Variable Entry dialog, click OK again.
9. Click OK in the Preferences dialog; the Build path Variables Changed dialog is shown asking if you want to perform a full build of your project. Click Yes to ensure that the current project state is consistent with the new variable. If you are sure that the new variable does not affect the current project state, you can click No.
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