Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Working with Projects > Adding resources to Apama projects > Creating new dashboards
Creating new dashboards
Dashboards provide the ability to view and interact with scenarios and DataViews. They contain charts and other objects that dynamically visualize the values of scenario variables and DataView fields. Dashboards can also contain control objects for creating, editing, and deleting scenario instances and DataView items. Normally, you add new dashboards after you have substantially developed and tested your application.
You can create dashboards with either the Dashboard Generation wizard or the Dashboard Builder. The wizard allows you to generate simple, default dashboards, customized with your choices regarding basic layout and visualization objects to use. The Builder is a graphical composition tool that gives you fine-grained control over a dashboard’s appearance and behavior.
The following sections describe how to create dashboards to your project:
*Creating dashboards with the Dashboard Generation wizard
*Creating dashboards with the Dashboard Builder
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