Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Working with Projects > Adding resources to Apama projects > Creating new dashboard-deployment configurations
Creating new dashboard-deployment configurations
Dashboard-deployment configurations contain the information necessary for the generation of deployment packages for a project’s dashboards.
To create a deployment configuration:
1. If you are using the Project Explorer view, ensure that a project is selected.
2. In either the Project Explorer view or the Workbench Project view, select New > Dashboard Deployment from the File menu. (You can also right-click in the navigation pane and select Dashboard Deployment from the popup menu. In the Workbench Project view, you can also click the New button that is above the navigation pane and select Dashboard Deployment from the Apama folder, or click the down arrow that is next to the New button, and select Dashboard Deployment from the popup menu.)
3. In the New Dashboard Deployment Configuration dialog, enter a name in the Configuration field. The Dashboard Deployment Configuration Editor uses this as the name of the new configuration.
4. Click Finish. The Dashboard Deployment Configuration Editor appears, and displays the new dashboard configuration. In addition, a new dashboard-deployment configuration file (dashboard_deploy.xml) appears under the current project’s config folder, if one wasn’t already present.
For information on using the Dashboard Configuration Deployment Editor, see Using the Deployment Configuration editor.
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