Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Using the Data Player > Using the Data Player > Configuring the ADBC adapter
Configuring the ADBC adapter
To configure an instance of an ADBC adapter:
1. In the Project Explorer, expand the project’s Adapters node and open the adapter folder (either Adapter for JDBC or Adapter for Sim).
2. Double-click the entry for the adapter instance you want to configure. The configuration file opens in the adapter editor. For example, a configuration file for an instance of the ADBC-JDBC adapter looks like this:
The editor’s graphical display presents configuration information in three separate sections:
*General Properties
*Advanced Properties
For an instance of the ADBC-Sim adapter, the display only shows the Variables section.
For more information on specifying ADBC properties and variables, see Configuring an ADBC adapter.
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