Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Debugging EPL Applications > Breakpoints view
Breakpoints view
The Breakpoints view lists the breakpoints you have set in the project.Double clicking a breakpoint displays the line in the EPL file that contains the breakpoint in the EPL editor. In the Breakpoints view, you can enable and disable the listed breakpoints.
The tool bar for the Breakpoints view contains the following buttons for controlling execution:
* Remove Selected Breakpoints — Remove the selected breakpoint from the debug session.
* Remove All Breakpoints — Remove all breakpoints from the debug session.
* Show Breakpoints Supported by Selected Targets — Show breakpoints for selected target.
* Go to File for Breakpoint — Open file containing the selected breakpoint.
* Skip All Breakpoints — Skip all breakpoints.
* Expand All — Expand all of the items in the Breakpoints view.
* Collapse All — Collapse the display of all items in the Breakpoints view.
* Link with Debug view — Toggles whether or not the Breakpoints view is automatically updated when the Debug view changes.
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