Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Debugging EPL Applications > Adding breakpoints
Adding breakpoints
You can add breakpoints to any of the EPL files included in the project. To add a breakpoint to an EPL file:
1. In the Developer perspective open the EPL file in which you want to add a breakpoint.
2. Double click in the left margin of the desired line in the EPL file or right click in the left margin and select Toggle Breakpoint from the pop-up menu. The breakpoint is indicated by a solid blue circle in the left margin, as shown in the action onload line in the illustration below.
3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for each breakpoint you want to set.
Note, when debugging an application on a remote machine, breakpoints are supported only inside EPL actions of monitors and events. Breakpoints inside listeners of actions or breakpoints outside of actions are not supported. See Debugging a remote application.
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