Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Working with Projects > Adding resources to Apama projects > Creating new files for JMon applications > Adding a new JMon application
Adding a new JMon application
To add a new JMon application to an Apama project:
1. If you are in the Apama Workbench perspective, click the Show All Folders icon if necessary to display the enhanced view that shows all the project’s resources.
2. In the Project Explorer view or the Workbench Project view, right click the name of the project where you want to add the monitor and select New > Java Application . The New Java Application wizard is displayed.
3. In the New Java Application wizard, in the Configuration field specify the name of the application and click Finish. The application is added to the project and its configuration opens in the Apama Java configuration editor.
4. In the Apama Java configuration editor, specify the application’s meta-data and add classes and contents as required. For more information on editing the configuration, see Adding resources to JMon projects.
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