Global Variable Type | Value Correlator Assigns to Uninitialized Global Variable |
action | A null value that causes the monitor instance to die if you try to execute the action. In the correlator log file, the error message is Called uninitialized action value. |
boolean | false |
chunk | Contains no state. Each plug-in must define what to do upon receiving a default-initialized chunk as an argument. |
context | A null context that cannot be used in any meaningful way. To use this variable, you must explicitly assign a context that was created with a name. |
decimal | 0.0d |
dictionary | Empty dictionary |
event | Instance of the event where each of its fields has the standard default values as per this table. |
float | 0.0 |
integer | 0 |
listener | A null listener that cannot be used in any meaningful way. To use this variable, you must assign a listener to it from within an on statement, from another listener variable, or from a stream listener in a from statement. |
location | (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) |
sequence | Empty sequence |
stream | A null stream that cannot be used in any meaningful way. To use the variable you must assign a non-null stream to it. |
string | "" (empty string) |