Building and Using Dashboards > Dashboard Deployment > Preparing Dashboards for Deployment > Generating a deployment package from the command line
Generating a deployment package from the command line
Once you have a defined a dashboard deployment configuration, use dashboard_management in order to generate a deployment package. Use the following options:
*-y or --deploy: Specify a dashboard configuration file, typically dashboard_deploy.xml in your project’s config folder.
*-c or --config: Specify the name of a deployment configuration that is saved in the file specified with -y or --deploy.
*-r or --rtvPath: Specify the directory containing the dashboard (.rtv files) to use in order to generate the deployment package.
*-k or --keystoreFile: Specify the keystore to use in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package. Supply this option only if the .jar files are not already signed.
*-a or --alias: Specify the alias to use in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package.
*-j or --jar: Specify a third-party jar file to sign. You can specify multiple -j | --jar arguments if you have multiple jar files to sign.
*-o or --password: Specify the password to use in order to sign the .jar files to be included in the deployment package.
Here is an example:
dashboard_management --deploy "C:\workspace\Demo - Statistical
Arbitrage\config\dashboard_deploy.xml" --config "My Config" --rtvPath "C:\workspace\Demo
- Statistical Arbitrage\dashboards" --keystoreFile "%APAMA_HOME%\etc\DashboardKeystore" --alias "dashboard" --password "terra"
For more information on dashboard_management, see Managing and stopping the Data Server and Display Server.
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