Developing Apama Applications > Developing Apama Applications in EPL > Making Application Data Available to Clients > Deleting DataView Items > DataViewDeleteItem
event DataViewDeleteItem {
   string msgId;
   string dvName;
   integer dvItemId;
   sequence<string> keyFields;
   dictionary<string, string> extraParams;
Create and route an event of this type to delete a DataView item. A response is provided by a DataViewItemDeleted, DataViewException or DataViewItemException event. For details, see DataViewItemDeleted, DataViewException and DataViewItemException.
Syntax description
Optional field for a message ID that applications can use to identify responses.
Unique name of the DataView definition associated with the item to be deleted.
Service-generated ID (see DataViewItem) of the deleted item within the DataView. If you specify dvItemId then you do not need to specify keyFields.
If you do not have the dvItemId of the item to be deleted, specify this field to identify the item to be deleted. Specify a sequence of values of key fields in string form. The ith value in this sequence is the value for the ith field that is specified in the fieldNames sequence of the associated DataView definition. If you specify dvItemId then you do not need to specify keyFields.
Optional field that future implementations may use.
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