Release Notes > What’s New in Apama 5.0.1 > Improved profiling analysis
Improved profiling analysis
Starting with Apama Release 5.0.1 you can use profiling data that has been previously stored on disk in a .csv file to create a snapshot for profiling analysis in Apama Studio. For example, you can capture a profile on a testing system (which may be running on an operating system other than Windows) and transfer it to a workstation running Apama Studio for analysis. This data would typically be collected using the engine_management tool.
Only .csv files that have been generated using Apama Release 5.0.1 or later can be used to create the snapshot.
For more information on this feature, see "Profiling EPL Applications" in Using the Apama Studio Development Environment (renamed to Using Apama with Software AG Designer in version 9.9).
For more information on the engine_management utility, see "Shutting down and managing components" in Deploying and Managing Apama Applications.
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