Using Apama with Software AG Designer > Overview of Developing Apama Applications > The Apama Workbench perspective > Workbench Project view
Workbench Project view
When you develop an application in the Apama Workbench perspective, you work on a single project at a time. The project is displayed in the Workbench Project view. This is where you add the various Apama resources that are necessary for the application. This is also where you run the application that is represented by the project.
When viewing a project in the Workbench perspective you can use the Show All Folders icon to toggle between a displaying a limited view of the project’s resources and displaying all of the project’s resources. In the limited view, below, any dashboard, event files, query, and scenario resources are displayed:
Clicking the Show All Folders icon displays an expanded view that lists the Event Processing Language (EPL) files and other file types, such as Bundles, block files, and function files used in the project as shown below.
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