Developing Apama Applications > Developing Apama Applications in Event Modeler > Creating Blocks > An example block > Description of the Correlation Calculator block interface
Description of the Correlation Calculator block interface
The Correlation Calculator block has the following parameters:
The maximum age of any sample that is used in the calculations, in seconds. Any samples older than this will be discarded before performing the calculation.
The maximum number of samples per stream that are used in the calculation.
One or both of the above parameters must be 0, in which case that limit is not imposed. It is not possible to restrict the number of samples by both age and number of samples, but it is possible to remove the limit on the number of samples (thus an unbounded set of samples is kept). Note that imposing a limit after input events have been received will clear all existing samples.
The Correlation Calculator block has the following operations:
Starts the calculation of coefficients. Must be called before the calculator will generate any statistics (output feed).
Stops the calculation of further coefficients. Any subsequent events on the input feeds are ignored.
Discards all current data.
The Correlation Calculator block defines the following input feeds, each with one field:
Input feed
The first input set.
The second input set.
Note that at least one value from each feed must have been received (and if set, within period seconds) before an output will be generated.
The Correlation Calculator block has the following output feed:
Output feed
The correlation coefficient (between -1.0 and +1.0).
The number of sample pairs used for this calculation.
The XML elements at the beginning of the Correlation Calculator’s block definition file describe this interface. When you create your own block, Apama generates and populates these XML elements for you.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE block SYSTEM "">
<!--Apama Block Definition File-->
<block name="Correlation Calculator">
    <date>7 May 2009</date>
    <author>Rune Madsen</author>
    <comments>Copyright(c) 2013 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its licensors</comments>
  <description>Calculates the correlation of two input data streams over a configurable
    time window and sample set size.</description>
  <properties parallel-aware="true" deprecated="false">
      <feed name="data1" id="9578163894100102">
        <description>The first stream of numeric data to use in the correlation
        <field name="value" id="9578163894100103">
          <description>The numeric data value</description>
          <validation type="float" stringcase="mixed" trim="true" unique="false"
            mutability="mutable" />
      <feed name="data2" id="9578163894100104">
        <description>The second stream of numeric data to use in the correlation
        <field name="value" id="9578163894100105">
          <description>The numeric data value</description>
          <validation type="float" stringcase="mixed" trim="true" unique="false"
            mutability="mutable" />
      <feed name="statistics" id="9578163894100106">
        <description>Stream of correlation values generated every time a new data item
        <field name="correlation" id="9578163894100107">
          <description>The correlation of the samples in the data sets. Between -1 and
          <validation type="float" stringcase="mixed" trim="true" unique="false"
            mutability="mutable" />
        <field name="samples" id="9578163894100108">
          <description>The number of sample pairs used in the correlation
          <validation type="integer" stringcase="mixed" trim="true" unique="false"
            mutability="mutable" />
      <field name="period" id="9578163894100109">
        <description>The duration of the configurable time window given in seconds.
          Samples older than the period will be discarded from the data set. Set to zero
          to keep samples indefinitely, up to the maximum number of samples specified
          with the size parameter.</description>
        <validation type="float" stringcase="mixed" trim="true" unique="false"
          mutability="mutable" />
      <field name="size" id="9578163894100110">
        <description>The maximum size of the sample set. The oldest sample will be
          replaced by the new sample when the total number of samples has reached this
          limit. Set to zero to keep all samples, unless period is set.</description>
        <validation type="integer" stringcase="mixed" trim="true" unique="false"
          mutability="mutable" />
      <operation name="start" id="9578163894100111">
        <description>Activate the correlation calculations</description>
      <operation name="stop" id="9578163894100112">
        <description>Pause the correlation calculations</description>
      <operation name="clear" id="9578163894100113">
        <description>Clear the existing sample data</description>
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Use, reproduction, transfer, publication or disclosure is prohibited except as specifically provided for in your License Agreement with Software AG.