Developing Apama Applications > Developing Apama Applications in Event Modeler > Creating Blocks > Defining new blocks in Software AG Designer
Defining new blocks in Software AG Designer
Software AG Designer provides an integrated graphical environment for creating custom blocks that you can use to build scenarios in Event Modeler. The Apama block editor contains two tabs, the Builder tab and the Source tab.
On the Builder tab, you add the metadata for the block and specify its interface. On the Source tab, you add the EPL code that implements the block’s behavior. Software AG Designer validates the EPL code you add to the block. When you save a block, it is saved as a block definition file with a.bdf extension. Block definition files are then used when you add the block to a scenario in the Event Modeler.
You can define a new block from scratch by using the block editor or you can base the new block on an existing event type definition.
See File Definition Formats for detailed information on the internals of block definition files.
This topic is organized as follows:
*Specifying the block metadata
*Specifying the block interface
*Creating parallel-aware blocks
*Adding EPL code to the block definition
*Considerations for adding EPL code to the block definition
*Details about EPL code that you can add
*Timeliness of acknowledgements
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