Introduction to Apama > Apama Architecture > Descriptions of Apama components > Description of Event Modeler
Description of Event Modeler
Apama’s Event Modeler editor in Software AG Designer provides a graphical environment that complements Apama’s event processing language. You use Event Modeler to create and modify scenarios. A scenario is a description of an application that will be deployed on and leverage the real-time capabilities of Apama’s event correlator. Event Modeler provides graphical tools for:
*Defining the states that the scenario passes through
*Defining rules that control what happens in each state and when there is a transition to the next state
*Defining input and output variables
*Adding standard and custom blocks that provide reusable operations
A scenario is a template that specifies how instances of the scenario will behave once they are created inside a correlator
The design philosophy behind Event Modeler is that once you define a scenario anyone should be able to create and configure instances of it without requiring technical expertise or knowledge of its inner workings. Therefore, once the scenario author has finished editing their scenario, the next step is to create a graphical dashboard for it. This lets the end users access and interact with the scenario through an intuitive and easy to manipulate graphical user interface.
See also Understanding scenarios and blocks.
After you define a scenario, you use the Apama tools in Software AG Designer to test it. Software AG Designer translates your scenario into a monitor and injects the monitor into the correlator. For an introduction to monitors, see Description of event processing languages.
For additional information, see Overview of Using Event Modeler.
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