Inspect operations
The inspect operations are defined in the interface com.apama.engine.beans.interfaces.InspectOperationsInterface.
These are implemented in com.apama.engine.beans.EngineClientBean.
This bean provides the following bound properties; “engineInfo” and “inspectPollingInterval”, or PROPERTY_ENGINE_INFO and PROPERTY_INSPECT_POLLING_INTERVAL.
The inspect operations are:
EngineInfo getEngineInfo() - Get the most recently recorded inspection information. Note that calling this method does not invoke a remote call to a correlator, but simply returns the last known information as collected by the internal worker thread, if that thread is running.
int getInspectPollingInterval() - Get the
inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.
EngineInfo getRemoteEngineInfo() - Request the remote correlator inspection info. This method will not store the inspection result, and is available as an alternative to the background polling service. If a connection is not yet established, this method will request a connection.
void setInspectPollingInterval(int newInspectPollingInterval) - Set the
inspectPollingInterval (in milliseconds) that the background thread should wait between calls for new information.
void startInspectPollingThread() - Start the local inspect polling thread.
void stopInspectPollingThread() - Stop the local inspect polling thread.