Developing Apama Applications > Developing Apama Applications in Event Modeler > Overview of Using Event Modeler > How rules define scenario behavior > Description of rule actions
Description of rule actions
If a condition evaluates to true, then the corresponding action part of that rule will be processed.
Actions consist of a number of action statements, and a state transition statement. The former are optional; it is possible to have an action that does not have any action statements. However, there must always be a state transition statement.
The state transition statement is straightforward; it will either be continue, or else move to state [one of the scenario’s states]. It is important to note that the latter format could indicate a transition back to the same state, and that this is in fact different to stating continue. The distinction will be explained in About rule evaluation.
An action statement can be:
*Assign the value of a numeric expression (that is, a number) to a numeric variable or block parameter. For example:
Trades Executed = Trades Executed + 2
*Assign the value of a text expression (that is, a word or phrase) to a text variable or block parameter. For example:
Status Message = "Both orders filled"
*Assign the value of a condition (true or false) to a conditional variable or block parameter. What constitutes a valid condition here is the same as listed in Description of rule conditions. For example:
Active = ((Price * 2) / Quantity) is greater than POW(Upper Limit, 5)
*Assign the value of a text expression or choice variable to a choice variable or block parameter
*Invoke a block operation
See Working in the Rules panel for details about specifying rules.
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