Out of Band Connection Notifications
When a sender and receiver component, such as a correlator, connects to or disconnects from the Integration Adapter Framework (IAF), the IAF automatically sends out of band notification events to adapter transports. Out of band notifications are events that are automatically sent to all public contexts in a correlator whenever any component (an IAF adapter, dashboard, another correlator, or a client built using the Apama SDKs) connects or disconnects from the correlator. These out of band events, which are defined in the com.apama.oob package, are:
ReceiverConnected SenderConnected ReceiverDisconnected SenderDisconnected The ReceiverConnected and SenderConnected events contain the name of the component that is connecting. When correlators and IAF adapters send a notification event, the format of the string that contains the component name is as follows:
"name (on port port_number)"
The name is the name that was specified when the component was started. For correlators and IAF adapters, you can specify a name with the --name option when you start the component. The name defaults to correlator or iaf according to the type of component. The port_number is the port that the connecting receiver or sender is running on.
Out of band events make it possible for a developer of an adapter to add appropriate actions for the adapter to take when it receives notice that a component has connected or disconnected. For example, an adapter can cancel outstanding orders or send a notification to an external system. In order to make use of the out of band events, adapters need to provide suitable mapping in the adapter configuration file. Adapters are also free to ignore these events.
For general information about using out of band notifications, see
Out of band connection notifications.