Connecting Apama Applications to External Components > Developing Custom Adapters > The Integration Adapter Framework > Contents of the IAF
Contents of the IAF
The Integration Adapter Framework is included when you select Developer or Server during the Apama installation.
The Integration Adapter Framework contains the following components:
*Core files – these include the IAF Runtime, the management tools and the libraries they require.
*Example adapters written in C and Java – this includes the complete sources of the FileTransport/JFileTransport transport layer plug-ins and the StringCodec/ JStringCodec plug-ins, sample configuration files, a file with a set of input messages, an EPL file with a sample application, and a set of reference result messages.
*A suite of development materials – these include the C/C++ header files and Java API sources required to develop transport and codec layer plug-ins for both languages. Also included is a skeleton transport and codec plug-in in C, the IAF configuration file XML Document Type Definition (DTD), a makefile for use with GNU Make on UNIX, and a ‘workspace’ file for use with Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET on Microsoft Windows.
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