Apama Predictive Analytics Add-on Documentation : Getting Started : Working with Sample Project
Working with Sample Project
The Predictive Analytics plug-in package ships a sample project EnergyData available at APAMA_HOME/samples/PredictiveAnalytics/EnergyData. You can use this as reference for using Predictive Analytics Plug-in.
In the Apama command prompt:
1. Change to APAMA_HOME/samples/PredictiveAnalytics/EnergyData directory.
2. Start the sample project by using the command ant start.
This command performs the following tasks:
*Starts the correlator with Java support.
*Injects the plug-in jar file and its associated predictive_analytics_plugin_monitors.cdp package to the correlator.
*Injects the EnergyData sample monitor to the correlator available at APAMA_HOME/samples/PredictiveAnalytics/EnergyData/monitors/EnergyDataSample.mon
*Initializes the plug-in to load the PMML file from APAMA_HOME/samples/PredictiveAnalytics/EnergyData/model/EnergyDataModel.pmml
*Sends sample prediction data.
3. Stop the sample project by using the command ant stop.
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