Apama Capital Markets Foundation Documentation : Capital Markets Foundation : Market Data Management : Using low-level MDA interfaces : Introduction to use of low-level MDA interfaces : Self-describing datasources
Self-describing datasources
When a datasource registers a session with the Session Manager, it provides the name of the session being registered and defines session capabilities. These capabilities include the types of datastreams supported, and the schema for any supported control parameters. The control parameters schema provides information about each control parameter, such as the name, a description, and the type of the value, whether required or optional.
Datasources use channels to send events directly to requesting contexts.
Capability events include the following information:
*Session identifier: a unique identifier for each datasource, provided by the Session Manager
*Client request identifier: a unique identifier for every connection request, allocated by the client layer of the platform
*Datastream name: a unique name distinguishing each datastream type
*Control parameters: the schema of modifiable parameters for connecting to the datastream
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