Apama Documentation : Connecting Apama Applications to External Components : Developing Custom Adapters : Using the IAF : The IAF runtime : IAF command line options
IAF command line options
The executable for the iaf tool is located in the bin directory of the Apama installation.
To start the adapter, run the following command:
iaf [ options ] [ config.xml ]
where config.xml is the name of a configuration file using the format described in The IAF configuration file. A configuration file must be provided unless the -h or -V options are used.
When you run this command with the –h option, the usage message for this command is shown.
Unless the –e or --events options are used, the above will generate and start a custom adapter, load and initialize the plug-ins defined in the configuration file, connect to Apama, and start processing incoming messages.
When the –e or --events options are used, the iaf tool generates event definitions that can be saved to a file and injected during your application's startup sequences as specified by Software AG Designer or Apama command line tools. If either of these options is used, the IAF will load the IAF configuration file, process it, generate the event definitions and print them out onto stdout (standard output) and promptly exit. A valid configuration file must be supplied with either of these options. The output definitions are grouped by package, with interleaved comments between each set. If all the event types in the configuration are in the same package, the output will be valid EPL code that can be injected directly into the correlator. Otherwise, it will have to be split into separate files for each package. The IAF can be configured to automatically inject event definitions into a connected correlator, but this is not the default behavior. The event definitions generated by the -e or --events options are exactly what the IAF would inject into the correlator, if configured to do so.
For more information about the service configuration file, see Using the Apama component extended configuration file.
If the --logfile and --loglevel options are provided, any logging settings set in the IAF configuration file (<logging> and <plugin-logging>) will be ignored.
If the IAF cannot write to the log file specified either with the --logfile option or in the adapter's configuration file, the IAF will fail to start.
The iaf tool takes the following options:
-V | --version
Displays version information for the iaf tool.
-h | --help
Displays usage information.
-p port | --port port
Specifies the port on which the IAF should listen for commands. The default is 16903.
-f file | --logfile file
Specifies the name of the file to which to write log information. The default is stderr.
-l level | --loglevel level
Sets the level of information that is sent to the log file. Available levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, CRIT and OFF. The default is INFO.
-t | --truncate
Specifies that if the log file already exists, the IAF should empty it first. The default is to append to the log file.
-N name | --name name
Sets a user-defined name for the component. This name is used to identify the component in the log messages.
-e | --events
Dumps event definitions to stdout and then exits.
--logQueueSizePeriod p
Sends information to the log every p seconds. See also IAF log file status messages.
--pidfile file
Specifies the name of the file that contains the process ID. This file is created at process startup and can be used, for example, to externally monitor or terminate the process. The IAF will remove that file after a clean shutdown.
It is recommended that the file name includes the port number to distinguish different IAFs, for example:
-Xconfig file | --configFile file
Reserved for usage under guidance by Apama support.
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