Apama Documentation : Connecting Apama Applications to External Components : Using Standard Adapters : Using Adapter Plug-ins : The XML codec plug-in : XPath examples
XPath examples
Consider the following XML:
   <a att="100.1">A text 1</a>
   <a>A text 2</a>
   <b att="300.0">
      <a att="400.4"/>
   This is an interesting text string
Suppose that the following properties are set in the XML codec section of the IAF configuration file:
<property name="XMLField" value="Test"/>
<property name="XPath:Test->MyXPathResult.last-a"    value="*/a[last()]"/>
<property name="XPath:Test->MyXPathResult.first-att" value="//@att"/>
<property name="XPath:Test->MyXPathResult.first-a-text" 
<property name="XPath:Test->MyXPathResult.att>200"   value="//@att>200"/>
<property name="XPath:Test->MyXPathResult.att-count" value="count(//@att)"/>
<property name="XPath:Test->MyXPathResult.text-contains" 
    value="contains(/cdata-root/text()[last()], &quot;interesting&quot;)"/>
With these property values, the XML fragment maps to the following normalized event fields:
"MyXPathResult.last-a"             = "A text 2"
"MyXPathResult.first-att"          = "100.1"
"MyXPathResult.first-a-text"       = "A text 1"
"MyXPathResult.att>200"            = "true"
"MyXPathResult.att-count"          = "3"
"MyXPathResult.text-contains"      = "true"
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