Lifecycle Actions for Apama Component Instances
Apama runtime components support the following lifecycle actions with the sagcc exec lifecycle command:
| |
start | Starts an Apama component instance. |
stop | Stops an Apama component instance. If an instance fails to stop, it will be terminated after 60 seconds. |
restart | Restarts an Apama component instance. |
Apama runtime components do not support the following lifecycle actions:
start in debug mode pause resume You can perform lifecycle actions in web user interface using the drop down list from the Status icon of an instance.
For more information about how to execute lifecycle actions using the Command Central command line interface, see Software AG Command Central Help.
Examples when executing on Command Central
To start a correlator instance with runtime component ID “Apama-correlator-myCorrelator” in the installation with alias “local”:
sagcc exec lifecycle start local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
To start an IAF instance with runtime component ID “Apama-iaf-myIAF” in the installaion with alias “local”:
sagcc exec lifecycle start local Apama-iaf-myIAF
To start a Display Server instance with runtime component ID “Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer” in the installation with alias “local”:
sagcc exec lifecycle start local Apama-displayserver-myDisplayServer
To start a Data Server instance with runtime component ID “Apama-dataserver-myDataServer” in the installation with alias “local”:
sagcc exec lifecycle start local Apama-dataserver-myDataServer
To stop a correlator instance with runtime component ID “Apama-correlator-myCorrelator” in the installation with alias “local”:
sagcc exec lifecycle stop local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator
To restart a correlator instance with runtime component ID “Apama-correlator-myCorrelator” in the installation with alias “local”:
sagcc exec lifecycle restart local Apama-correlator-myCorrelator